Monday, February 13, 2012

The Might of Right

We've all heard the saying "Might Makes Right".  And as much as we want to believe that we're a civilized society, everything seems to come back to that.  Much lip service is paid to the "Rule of Law", but often those with power completely ignore laws when they become inconvenient. 

Along with persuasive arguments to convince others of the merits of an idea, when resistance or opposition is encountered, the power elite resort to force..."Might Makes Right".

It doesn't always have to be overt and brutal.  When you have the resources of the power elite, you are able to manipulate public opinion and manufacture consent before you have to bring in brute force.  The power elite can pay their media servants to make their case eloquently and with arguments that sound eminently logical.  But it doesn't necessarily make it right.

The rightness of a thing is usually derived from the consent of the people in things that are more or less universally agreed upon.  Like, I think we would find universal agreement on it being a good idea to have clean water available for everyone.

But the power elite may have an interest in taking actions which threaten the safety of the water supply (fracking comes to mind).  And in order to take such actions it becomes necessary to provide a counter argument, that these actions will actually produce some beneficial result. So, their media servants are unleashed to convince the public that something demonstrably BAD, is OK to do, because they will tell us it produces jobs, or it lessens our dependence on foreign sources of energy, or some other logical argument.