Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Leemanuel's Book Club


OK, I don't have a book club.  I, mean it's not like I'm Oprah or anything.
But I've just ordered two new books today, and I'm very much looking forward to reading them.

Do You Remember America?

In the Home of the Brave
and the Land of the Free
prisons overflowing
and fear's our closest friend

Newsflash! There's no more poor!

I was encouraged by the Occupy Movement.  I remember reading a column or two by Chris Hedges 4 or 5 months before things got rocking here, where Mr. Hedges was talking about the need for civil disobedience and marches and protests.

My Team...Right or Wrong!

Football season ended a couple of weeks ago for me as the Green Bay Packers were humbled by the New York Giants. I don't invest as much emotion in the outcome of games as I used to, but it didn't make me feel great to see my team lose.

Level The Playing Field

There’s something intoxicating about getting new likes on my Facebook fan page.

Lovingly, Respectfully...pretty please, help the poor.

Last night I happened to catch a group of distinguished intellectuals and progressive types
on C-Span.
They were discussing poverty in the US.

Everybody Wants Black Gold

I've read that it's very difficult to get someone to understand something, when their job depends
on their not understanding.