Saturday, February 9, 2013

Did We The People Vote For Austerity?

Hooray! President Obama has been re-elected. We all breathed a sigh of relief. (well not all of us, after all the other guy did get 47% of the popular vote)

So, now Social Security, and Medicare and Medicaid are all safe and our safety net will remain intact.


If that's true, why is there still talk of President Obama seeking a "Grand Bargain"?

I read about polls that indicate the US public is against cuts to so called entitlement programs.
Yet, cuts are what's being offered as serious solutions to our problems.

OK, let's say that we all agree that we need to get our fiscal house in order. Why are the solutions offered always designed to take from those most in need and least able to bear the burden?
Why do we hear talk of "strengthening a program", when the actual proposals serve to weaken it?
How is it that with a straight face, our leadership will tell us that a cut in benefits is actually not a cut.

And what makes this worse is that many of us will tend to accept these solutions offered to us, because we've been conditioned to believe that whatever the "other team" is suggesting has to be worse by default.

Austerity is a nice fancy word which basically means that we all should "make do" with less.
Now, maybe you're thinking, "hey times are tough, and we all need to tighten our belts".
And maybe that works if you're already doing pretty well. But what about the folks that aren't already doing pretty well? What about seniors on fixed incomes, the working poor, the plain old poor, and those who have slipped in the cracks.

If your attitude is "hey, those are the breaks" then I sincerely hope that you never find yourself in their situation.
I was talking with a friend the other day and they expressed concern about the direction of the country and they felt like we're over burdened with taxes. And I mentioned the quote attributed to Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, that taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. And perhaps the real issue is what we use the taxes for.

My issue is that the same "leadership" that comes to us speaking of austerity, at the same time has absolutely no problem, throwing tax payer money at "too big to fail" banks. They will seek cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - but we must under no circumstances reduce any of the dollars that we feed to our war machine.

So, tell me please, did you vote for austerity?

Stay Peaceful & Positive!

Take A Chance On The Independent Singer/Songwriter

I'm an independent Singer/Songwriter. What does that mean and why should you care?

The "independent" part means that I'm not signed to a record label "large" or otherwise. It typically means that I don't have a support team or significant financial backing.

In my case it means that it's mostly just me with a few loyal friends working hard to create music and make it available.

Sometimes "independent" means that you're the producer, arranger, engineer, photographer, videographer, graphic artist, advertising executive, marketing executive, social media consultant and roadie.

Being "independent" means that my single biggest challenge is finding a way to convince you that I'm worth a few moments of your time.

Now, why should you care? There's millions of people just like me vying for your attention, and thousands more that have all of the things which I don't - so you'll already know their names and what they sound like and all you'll have to do is decide whether or not it moves you.
You've got a million other things to occupy your time, from Sports, to Movies, to Video Games, to hanging out with your buddies - so why should you spend any of your time with someone that's not even on your radar.

The answer has to do with whether you're content to follow the path blazed by others or whether you want to make your own discoveries. Are you willing to be a trendsetter or a you locked into being a trend follower.

I'm not saying that all the other music that's available is "noise". But how much of what you listen to goes beyond "let's party" or "baby I love you?" Now, there's nothing wrong with those types of songs. Obviously those two subjects have produced many HIT songs and countless hours of enjoyment. And most people don't want to experience "kill joy" in their music, most of us want to be "entertained" and not bummed out.

I happen to believe that you can still get your boogie on while dealing with subjects that go beyond "let's party" and "baby I love you". I think you can still be entertained while listening to subjects that cover other aspects of the human condition.

If a song can provide you a "moment of pause" to reflect on an issue while still allowing you to groove, I would have to call that a major WIN.
So, I think I've answered the question I posed at the top, and I hope that the next time you see an offering from an "independent" that maybe you'll give them a chance to impress you.

Stay Peaceful & Positive!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Why I Write Songs

At the most basic level, the reason is that I enjoy pairing words with melodies and music.

However a time did come where that was no longer enough.  Where the frustration of seeking the ever elusive "deal" overpowered the joy of creating.
It was a dark time and I felt like I had to walk away.  So for a long time there was no music, no creativity, and no words.

Music didn't appear to be providing any rewards, and it seemed time to put energy toward pursuits which might reciprocate the energy and effort I was putting forward.  Or at least not leave me feeling empty and disappointed.
So, I was working longer hours. And trying to make home life better for my wife and I. We eventually decided to have children.

And this was all great.  I had convinced myself that I had "retired" from music and that it was time to move on.
Then one day, my songwriting partner James showed up.  And he said to me - "do you really want to go out like this?"  "Don't you want your kids to know about your talent?"

After that conversation, I began to feel a bit of the tug to re-engage with creative pursuits.
But I told myself that this time around, I wouldn't let the business end of things get in the way.  That the pursuit of "the deal" wouldn't be the driving factor, as I had allowed it to eventually become.  I would return to basics, and create for the joy of creating.

As I began to write again, I discovered that I needed to have something to say.  Now, don't take this as some effort on my part to be "high faluting" or superior somehow to others.  But it felt to me, like the "let's party", "ooh Baby, Baby" space was pretty well covered.  And there just wasn't much motivation for me there.  This doesn't mean that I don't write songs in that orbit.

It does mean that I'll tend to write more about issues that resonate with me and that I hope will give people that listen to me something to think a bit about.  Social justice, environment, war, peace and poverty are some of the subjects that you might hear about from me.  And of course there’s always a “love song” or two which make their way into the mix.
So, this time around I believe that I’ll keep writing, as long as I feel that I have something to say.

Stay Peaceful & Positive


Friday, January 4, 2013

Six Over 1 - 7: The debut Album from Leemanuel

Wow! It's been a long time since I've talked to you here.  My apologies for the extended absence.

So, what have I been up to?  Why, thanks for asking!  I'm part of a creative team called Inception.  And one of the things that we did recently was help with producing a documentary about the Latino community in Milwaukee.

A lot of behind the camera work and editing.  It was a lot of fun.  But it also consumed a lot of time.  At the same time that all of this was going on, I was still putting together the debut album and trying not to be a derelict Dad and Husband.  And yes, I do have a DAY JOB, so my time has been stretched.

So my debut Album is titled "Six Over 1-7" and a few people have asked me "What's up with the name?"

Well, here's the story:  Back in the day, one of my best friends introduced me to the Dog Track.  Now I didn't know anything about Dogs and betting, but I figured, what the heck, let's go check it out.  After a few visits of watching, I thought I was ready to make my own pick of a race.  The bet I made was for what's called a Quinella Wheel.  You have to pick the 1st place Dog and the 2nd and 3rd place dogs, but the 2nd and 3rd place can cross the finish line in any order.  Now we weren't "high rollers" or anything - so we tried to keep the bets to a minimum and would bail out before the losses would mount too high.  So the Quinella Wheel was a $2 bet back then.

All of my picks were complete long shots.  In fact, when I told my friend what I wanted to bet and asked him to place it, he looked at me like I was unhinged and tried to talk me out of it.
By the time the race had started, he had not yet returned to our table, and I was looking around for him, because from the start the #6 Dog shot of the gate with the lead.  The 1, and 7 were in the pack, but it was still early.

As the race progressed all three of my picks were out front, but my friend still had not returned.  At the halfway point, he arrived at our table, and I'm asking "Did you place the bet!"  He told me he almost didn't, and I told him to take a look at the track, because my picks were leading!

When the race ended, the #6 was in first place, and I honestly don't remember the order of the 1 and the 7 dogs, but my long shot bet had come in.  Over the years this became a running joke for us, and I told him that if I ever did an album, that Six Over 1-7 would be the title.

This time, I'm the long shot.  I don't have a million dollar advertising and marketing campaign in order to convince people that I'm worth their time.  All I have are some songs that I think are great, and hopefully the word of mouth and support from you to make my debut a success.

Six Over 1-7 will be released on January 18th as both a digital download and physical CD.  You'll be able to find it at Apple iTunes, Amazon MP3, Google Music Store and many others.  But you can listen to it right now over at SoundCloud

Stay Positive and Peaceful!

Be sure to visit me!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Album Release

Heyas! -

When I was little, one of my fondest dreams was to get signed to Motown records.
I always wanted to part of the famous Motown family which included Stevie Wonder,
Diana Ross & The Supremes, The Temptations, The Jackson Five, Smokey Robinson,
and so many other incredible artists.

Cutting to the Chase

My wife and I have undertaken the task of having our basement renovated.
It's been feeling like a new construction project, but we're finally at the home stretch.
And of course, now that we have new space, we need to put things in that space.

Freedom Fries anyone?

The sabre rattling continues as it appears that our elite continue to push the U.S. towards war with Iran.