Saturday, February 9, 2013

Did We The People Vote For Austerity?

Hooray! President Obama has been re-elected. We all breathed a sigh of relief. (well not all of us, after all the other guy did get 47% of the popular vote)

So, now Social Security, and Medicare and Medicaid are all safe and our safety net will remain intact.


If that's true, why is there still talk of President Obama seeking a "Grand Bargain"?

I read about polls that indicate the US public is against cuts to so called entitlement programs.
Yet, cuts are what's being offered as serious solutions to our problems.

OK, let's say that we all agree that we need to get our fiscal house in order. Why are the solutions offered always designed to take from those most in need and least able to bear the burden?
Why do we hear talk of "strengthening a program", when the actual proposals serve to weaken it?
How is it that with a straight face, our leadership will tell us that a cut in benefits is actually not a cut.

And what makes this worse is that many of us will tend to accept these solutions offered to us, because we've been conditioned to believe that whatever the "other team" is suggesting has to be worse by default.

Austerity is a nice fancy word which basically means that we all should "make do" with less.
Now, maybe you're thinking, "hey times are tough, and we all need to tighten our belts".
And maybe that works if you're already doing pretty well. But what about the folks that aren't already doing pretty well? What about seniors on fixed incomes, the working poor, the plain old poor, and those who have slipped in the cracks.

If your attitude is "hey, those are the breaks" then I sincerely hope that you never find yourself in their situation.
I was talking with a friend the other day and they expressed concern about the direction of the country and they felt like we're over burdened with taxes. And I mentioned the quote attributed to Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, that taxes are the price we pay for a civilized society. And perhaps the real issue is what we use the taxes for.

My issue is that the same "leadership" that comes to us speaking of austerity, at the same time has absolutely no problem, throwing tax payer money at "too big to fail" banks. They will seek cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid - but we must under no circumstances reduce any of the dollars that we feed to our war machine.

So, tell me please, did you vote for austerity?

Stay Peaceful & Positive!

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